2122 I. GERMANICA ALBA collected 1837 SPC   E Self VERY RARE Very old white.0 SOLD OUT
2047 I. GERMANICA VULGARIS Linnaeus/Dykes, C. 1753/53 SPC 21 E Bitone VERY RARE S:medium grape, F:reddish grape, darker lines on white at haft, lighter narrow rim, B:blue white. 8 SOLD OUT
2930 I. KASHMIRIANA Baker, J. 1877/77 SPC 24 E Bitone Purple form; best known as a white iris. Checking ID. 50 NFS
2440 I. PALLIDA unknown TB 39 E Self I. pallida with lavender blooms, fast increase. 18 6.00
2048 I. TROJANA Kerner, A. 1887/87 TB 24 M Bitone VERY RARE S:light lavender blue, F:dark reddish purple, white at haft with maroon lines, B:yellow. 14 12.00

WINTER IRIS- I. unguicularis

collected Species 8 Winter  

Blooms in winter, grasslike leaves, light purple flowers are short, down in the leaves

1912 ICE CARNIVAL Watkins, W. for Graves 1950/54 TB 38 M Bitone RARE S:Light azure (orchid-blue), F:icy white; strong fragrance. 5 8.00
4247 ICE CREAM TREAT Ernst, R. 1996/97 TB 35 LM Bicolor S:peach pink, yellow highlights, F:near white, peach rim and veining, deeper shoulders, B:tangerine orange; ruffled. 15 10.00
2437 ICE FAIRY Witt, J. 1962/66 MTB 21 M Bicolor RARE S:white, F:light blue. 0 SOLD OUT
859 ICE 'N' LIME Tompkins, C. 1958/58 TB 39 E-L Bicolor RARE S:pure white, F:lime yellow, B:yellow. 4 6.00
4036 ICE PLANET Tasco, R. 2013/13 TB 36 M Bicolor S:spectrum violet, darker edges, F:pale wisteria-blue, darker center, B:blue-white.2 NFS
792 ICE SCULPTURE Hager, B. 1973/75 TB 36 M Self RARE Pale blue-white self, B:white. 11 7.00
1848 IDAHO CREAM Smith, E. 1960/61 TB 38 M Self VERY RARE Big full wavy pale cream, B:cream. 24 9.00
2097 IDOL'S DREAM Kererise, E. 1981/82 TB 36 E-M Self RARE Ruffled medium yellow, B:yellow orange; slight fragrance. 37 2/10.00
1023 IGLOO Hager, B. 1977/78 TB 38 ML Self VERY RARE Blue-white to pale blue around midrib and hafts, B:pale yellow. 3 10.00
3901 ILLINI REPEATER Varner, S. 1971/72 TB 34 EM,Re Plicata VERY RARE S:plum red plicata, cream ground, F:cream ground, plum red plicata rim and center line, B:orange. 36 9.00
4541 I'M ALL SHOOK UP Black, P. 2012/2013 TB 30 M-L Bicolor S:dk plum base, violet center, yellow edge band, F:plum haft, purple center to blue-white, edge tan gold, B:yellow; ruffled, fragrant 6 15.00
1480 IMAGE MAKER Williamson, B. 1979/83 TB 34 M-L Bitone S:light citrus lemon, F:full citrus lemon, B:yellow-orange. 18 8.00
853 IMMOLATION Hager, B. 1977/78 TB 36 M Blend RARE Red-sienna blend, B:yellow. 12 8.00
850 IMMORTALITY Zurbrigg, L. 1982/82 TB 30 M,Re Self Ruffled pure white, B:white; slight sweet fragrance, most dependable rebloo. 15 10.00
1497 IMPERSONATOR Babson, S. 1974/75 TB 38 M Self Novelty: Flat TB S:none, they lay back on falls, F:full blue-violet, lighter area in center, B:white. 5 NFS
3374 IN JOY Silverberg, D. 2004/06 TB 34 M Self Marine purple self, bushop's violet undertones, B:blue-violet . 5 10.00
4078 IN LOVE Blyth, B. 1979/80 TB 34 E-M Bicolor VERY RARE S:pink, faint violet midrib, F:lilac, deeper in center, pink at hafts, B:coral red. 2 12.00
2432 IN TOWN Blyth, B. 1985/88 TB 38 EM Bitone S:blue lavender, deeper at midrib, F:velvety blue purple, 1/4" lavender edge, B:tangerine, lavender on tip. 17 10.00
2049 INCA CHIEF Mitsch, G. 1952/52 TB 35 ML Self Huge ruffled burnished golden bronze;described as "brilliant, lustrous, and vibrant". Mustard tan of vibrant tone. 0 SOLD OUT
4227 INDEED Hagar, B. 1963/63 IB 21 E Bicolor S:light lemon yellow, F:crystalline white, lemon edge, B;white. 40 2/5.00
1913 INDIAN CHIEF Ayres, Dr. W. 1928/29 TB 36 E Bitone RARE S:light Indian red (bronzy violet), F:velvety darker Indian red blended w/ bronze (dahlia carmine), lines at haft, B:bright orange; prolific. 24 7.00
131 INDIAN POW WOW Brown, A. 1971/72 SDB 13 EM Bitone VERY RARE S:creamy greenish tan, F:greenish yellow, red-brown wash, B:flax blue, veins at haft. 40 3/4.00
1667 INDIGLOW Schortman, W. 1957/59 TB 34 M-L Self VERY RARE Huge flowered violet-blue, B:orange to blue. 8 8.00
1606 INDIGO PRINCESS Schreiners 1992/92 TB 39 ML Self RARE Ruffled deep violet, yellow B tipped blue. 20 10.00
2369 INDISCREET Ghio, J. 1987/88 TB 38 EM   RARE S:magenta, F:salmon ground heavily stitched magenta at edges, B:tangerine; pbf. 20 11.00
2389 INDULGE Nelson, R. 1992/93 TB 32 E-M Self S:orchid, deeper midrib, F:orchid, deeper rose orchid edge, violet blue spot, wine hafts, B:gold orange; ruffled, laced, sweet frag. 15 10.00
1373 INFATUATION Corlew, G. 1974/77 TB 32 M Self RARE Very light true pink, B:white, tipped tangerine-pink. 1 NFS
1001 INFERNO Schreiner 1973/75 TB 40 M Self Rich ruby with velvety sheen of plum wine shadings, B:subdued orange-brown. 4 NFS
837 INFINITE GRACE Hamblen, M. 1981/1982 TB 36 LM Bitone VERY RARE S:warm white, flusshed pink at base, F:medium pink, lighter rim, amber hafts, B:red, tipped whitish. 2 NFS
3817 INGEBORG Goos & Koen. 1908/08 IB   E Self White self, light yellow at haft with darker veining, B:light yellow. 16 8.00
443 INHERITANCE Babson, S. 1977/1978 TB 36 EM Self VERY RARE Pale orchid fading to white, B:full orchid. 11 9.00
2050 INNOCENZA Lemon, J. 1854/54 TB   E Self Very old white self. 8 NFS
4615 INSANIAC Johnson, T. 2012/2012 TB 33 M Bicolor S:white, thin gold halo, F:white overlaid yellow, red-violet radiating lines to wide yellow-white edge, B:tangerine; ruffled, fragrant. 3 20.00
1103 INSCRIPTION Boushay, J. 1978/78 SDB 13 M Self S:mimosa yellow, F:slightly lighter, heliotrope thumbprint, B:tangerine, tipped yellow. 18 5.00
1027 INSPIRATION POINT Gibson, J. 1981/82 TB 38 ML Plicata VERY RARE S:blend of smoky violet and brown on yellow, veined dark violet, F:stitched smoky violet on yellow band, white signal, B:brownish yellow. 33 8.00
2201 INSTRUCTOR Innerst, S. 1986/86 TB 36 EM Halo S:cream to mid yellow, F:same, edged medium blue, B:blue tipped bronze; slight musky fragrance. 11 10.00
451 INTERPOL Plough, G. 1972/73 TB 36 ML Self Fluted deep purplish black, B:same with each hair tipped mustard; pbf. 8 8.00
1678 INTO THE NIGHT Schreiners 1989/89 TB 36 M Bitone S:deep blue-violet, F:velvety midnight purple rimmed in lighter blue-violet; ruffled and fluted. 36 10.00
3900 IONE MORGAN Morgan, A. 1978/1981 TB 34 E-M Bicolor S:light tan-amber, F:orange-red, light amber rim, B:yellow; lightly ruffled. 12 8.00
1217 IRIS BOHNSACK Ensminger, A. 1980/81 BB 25 M Broken White ground, interestingly striped with imperial violet, B:yellow, tipped violet. 2 10.00
632 IRISH SPRING Roe, B. 1972/73 TB 34 M Self RARE Ruffled white, F:pale green overlay, deeper yellow green shoulders, B:pale lemon. 40 2/8.00
4378 IRMA MELROSE DeForest, F. 1955/56 TB 40 M Plicata RARE S:light lemon, F:lemon-white, lemon border, peppering around beard, B:yellow. 30 7.00
2889 ISLANDER Benson, C. 1959/60 TB 38 M Self VERY RARE Deep gentian blue self, lighter at haft, B:yellow, blue-white tip; lightly ruffled. 15 9.00
762 ISLE OF CAPRI Spahn, F. 1976/77 TB 37 EM Self VERY RARE S:pure orange, F:orange, deeper at haft, lighter near B, B:intense orange-red; ruffled. 2 NFS
3875 I'VE GOT RHYTHM Schreiners 1998/98 TB 38 EM Plicata S:lilac purple, F:creamy ground, distinct lilac purple edging, B:tangerine. 2 NFS