4539 | H. C. STETSON | Stetson, R. 2001/2003 | TB | 38 | ML | Self | Ruffled very pale pink, deepening in center, B:pale blue tip, white center, pink in throat. 20 | 15.00 |
1363 | HAGAR'S HELMET | Nichols, H. 1976/76 | IB | 20 | M-L | Self | VERY RARE Smooth yellow with few inconspicuous haft markings, B:orange with 1-1/2" spoons and horns. 26 | 6.00 |
1581 | HALL OF FAME | Sexton, N. 1971/72 | TB | 36 | M | Self | VERY RARE Salmon pink, B:self. 6 | 10.00 |
1696 | HALLOWE'EN NIGHT | Weed, H. 1943/43 | TB | 38 | EM,Re | Self | VERY RARE S:lemon yellow F:veined golden brown and light maroon; one of best Oct. rebloomers. 30 | 8.00 |
1071 | HANDIWORK | Ghio, J. 1982/83 | TB | 34 | ML | Plicata | S:blue-violet on white, F:white, marbled blue-violet with white area around B, B:blue-white, pbf. 30 | 10.00 |
3349 | HAPPINESS IS | Kamps, L. 1968/69 | TB | 36 | M | Self | VERY RARE White self, B:white; lightly ruffled. 3 | 8.00 |
1593 | HAPPY BRIDE | Sexton, N. 1973/73 | TB | 36 | M | Self | VERY RARE Lightly laced and fluted white, B:deep lemon yellow. 1 | 10.00 |
695 | HAPPY HALO | Gibson, J. 1972/73 | TB | 34 | M | Plicata | RARE White ground with aster violet markings, light green veining on F, B:cadmium-orange; ruffled. 16 | 9.00 |
422 | HAPPY HARMONY | Palmer, D. 1971/74 | TB | 36 | M-L | Bicolor | RARE S:pink, F:peach and yellow, B:tangerine; laced and ruffled; very pretty. 32 | 9.00 |
1048 | HARBINGER | Terrell, C. 1961/62 | TB | 34 | EM | Self | VERY RARE Broad deep violet self. Earliest violet bloomer.30 | 9.00 |
248 | HARBOR BLUE | Schreiner, R. 1954/54 | TB | 40 | M | Self | Medium sapphire-blue with slivery sheen, white at haft, with darker veins on falls; large bloom. 9 | 10.00 |
1907 | HARLEQUIN | Stevens, Mrs. W. 1947/47 | TB | 32 | ML | Plicata | VERY RARE Cream to silver ground with falls veined and stippled chocolate, mulberry, and purple. 6 | 10.00 |
3974 | HARVEST FESTIVAL | Palmer, C. 1978/79 | SDB | 15 | L | Bicolor | RARE S:light yellow, F:heavy wash of reddish brown and olive green tones, lt. yellow rim, B:orange, lav tip. 7 | 6.00 |
1578 | HARVEST HOLIDAY | Lyon, D. 1956/57 | TB | 38 | EM | Bitone | VERY RARE S:buttercup yellow, shaded golden brown, F:buttercup, shaded lighter, B:saffron yellow, tipped violet. 3 | NFS |
4284 | HARVEST OF MEMORIES | Zurbrigg, L. 1984/1985 | TB | 38 | M,Re | Self | Dresden yellow self, B:yellow; slight sweet fragrance; pbf. 22 | 9.00 |
3862 | HARVEST SPLENDOR | Kleinsorge, R. 1956/56 | TB | 32 | M | Bicolor | S:golden brown and apricot, suffused lav, F:bright gold, faint apricot edges, B:gold. 0 | SOLD OUT |
526 | HAT TRICK | Black, P. 1983/84 | IB | 24 | E | Bicolor | RARE S:cream white, darker midrib, F:pale violet, deep red-violet wash, lightening toward edge, yellow in throat, B:blue; slight sweet fragrance. 11 | 8.00 |
3066 | HAUNTED HEART | Keppel, K. 2009/2010 | TB | 36 | M | Bitone | S:pinkish gray-white, F:pinkish lavender gray, lt violet texture veining, B:shrimp pink, blue tip; heavy ruffle, light lace, Dykes Medal 2018 Limit one. 3 | NFS |
1165 | HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY | Brown, T. 1964/65 | TB | 32 | E-M | Halo | VERY RARE S:white, banded and blended blue-violet, F:white, 1/2" border blue-violet, B:blue tipped.0 | SOLD OUT |
41 | HAYRIDE | Jones, B. 1970/70 | TB | 35 | M | Bicolor | RARE S:orange-pink, pinker at base, F:straw-yellow, orange at haft, B:deep orange; pretty but not a strong grower for me. 2 | NFS |
1410 | HEART OF NIGHT | Terrell, C. 1963/64 | TB | 36 | M | Self | RARE Deep violet, velvety black hafts, B:deep violet, light tips. 22 | 8.00 |
685 | HEARTBREAKER | Hall, D. 1964/64 | TB | 36 | M | Self | RARE Light pink, B:pink; flaring, very popular even today for an older pink. 10 | 10.00 |
2655 | HEARTLAND | Kerr, F. 1995/95 | TB | 32 | M | Self | VERY RARE Smooth light pinkish tan, F with golden haft infusion, B:tangerine, yellow at end; ruffled. 34 | 12.00 |
3492 | HEARTSTRING STRUMMER | Johnson, B. 1997/2001 | TB | 40 | M-L | Bicolor | S:white, edge flushed pale violet blue, F:medium violet blue, edge deeper, lighter center, B:pale violet blue; heavily ruffled, sweet fragrance. 3 | 15.00 |
1986 | HEATHEN | Keppel, K. 1988/89 | TB | 34 | E | Bicolor | RARE S:Inca gold, F:maroon blended orange buff at edge, B:midnight sun tipped golden poppy; slight sweet fragrance. 30 | 8.00 |
132 | HEATHER BLUSH | Hamner, B. 1976/77 | TB | 35 | E-M | Bicolor | S:fuchsia pink, flushed violet, F:amethyst-violet, violet-blue flush, B:tangerine. 24 | 9.00 |
500 | HEATHER CLOUD | Hamner, B. 1981/81 | TB | 35 | EM | Bicolor | S:mallow purple, F:lilac, B:pink; lightly ruffled, beautiful color combination. 16 | 10.00 |
798 | HEAVENLY HARMONY | Hamblen, M. 1977/78 | TB | 30 | ML | Bicolor | RARE S:pink, flushed violet at base, F:violet with pink hafts, B:orange-red; beautiful color. 9 | 10.00 |
761 | HELEN BOEHM | Schreiners 1977/77 | TB | 36 | ML | Self | RARE Waxy citron creamy yellow, white flash below B, B:yellow. 1 | NFS |
1908 | HELEN COLLINGWOOD | Smith, K. 1949/49 | TB | 38 | M | Bicolor | S:bright light sky blue-white, F:deep violet-purple; lightly ruffled. 22 | 7.00 |
2656 | HELEN K. ARMSTRONG | Innerst, S. 1993/94 | TB | 36 | ML | Bitone | VERY RARE S:lt. blue-lavender, F:rich purple, lighter at B, B:1/2 lt. yellow, 1/2 bright blue; flaring, ruffled, pbf. 20 | 10.00 |
3975 | HELEN LOUISE | Lapham, E. 1951/52 | TB | 36 | M | Self | RARE Deep salmon-pink self, B:red-tangerine. 0 | SOLD OUT |
2043 | HELEN McGREGOR | Graves, R. 1943/46 | TB | 36 | EM | Self | Clear light blue flowers are wide-hafted and ruffled, white area below white B, lightly ruffled, lighter than Great Lakes; Dykes Medal 1949. Limit one. 5 | 15.00 |
2709 | HELIOS | Cayeux, F. 1928/29 | TB | M | Self | VERY RARE Lemon yellow, light maroon lines from haft to bottom of F, except light yellow rim, white around yellow B. 10 | 10.00 | |
1254 | HELLCAT | Aitken, T. 1981/1983 | IB | 16 | M-L | Bicolor | S:pale lavender, darker midrib, F:dark blue lavender, B:dark blue lav; 5 | 8.00 |
2657 | HELLO DARKNESS | Schreiners 1992/92 | TB | 37 | E-M | Self | Ruffled purple-black self, B:deep purple-black; Dykes Medal 1999. Limit one. 3 | 15.00 |
2304 | HELL'S FIRE | Roberts, S. 1976/76 | TB | 36 | E,Re | Bitone | VERY RARE S:ruffled black-red, lighter at midrib, F:darker black-red, B:dark bronze. 15 | 8.00 |
3863 | HENNA STITCHES | Gibson, J. 1960/61 | TB | 30 | M | Plicata | S:henna red, yellow wash in center, F:white, darker henna stitching, B: burnt orange. 44 | 7.00 |
3291 | HENRI RIVIERE | Millet et Fils 1927/27 | TB | 42 | M-L | Bitone | VERY RARE S:pale lemon yellow, F:mauve with yellowish reflex and canary yellow throat, lighter edge and midline, B:orange. 1 | 10.00 |
2454 | HENRY SHAW | Benson, C. 1957/57 | TB | 36 | M | Self | Snowy white self, green throat, B:snowy white. 36 | 6.00 |
1347 | HEY LOOKY | Brown, W. F. 1970/70 | TB | 36 | M | Plicata | Unusual colored, white dotted all over with blue, B:white to blue. 10 | 8.00 |
1909 | HI TIME | Hall, D. 1948/48 | TB | 27 | M | Self | Light golden apricot with pink overcoat; 10 | 7.00 |
600 | HI TOP | Knocke, F. 1971/72 | TB | 42 | L | Self | RARE S:golden tan, F:lavender center overlay,darker shoulders, small white spear, B:orange-yellow; ruffled. 18 | 9.00 |
4123 | HIDDEN FIRE | Sass by Graham 1957/58 | TB | 40 | M | Blend | VERY RARE Delft rose, bronze infusion at hafts, coppery gleam from center, B:blazing orange.0 | NFS |
4285 | HIDDEN MAGIC | Sexton, N. 1965/66 | TB | 36 | E | Bitone | VERY RARE S:orchid, F:deep purple. 2 | NFS |
4570 | HIDDEN SURPRISE | Durrance, J. 1985/1985 | TB | 35 | M | Blend | VERY RARE Ruffled white and orchid blend with dark orchid throat and style arms, dark veins at haft, B:white, yellow throat; speckled. 8 | 10.00 |
430 | HIGH BARBAREE | Tompkins, C. 1958/58 | TB | 38 | M-L | Self | VERY RARE Currant red, B:bright yellow. 24 | SOLD OUT |
4045 | HIGH DESERT | Keppel, K. 2014/15 | TB | 40 | M | Plicata | S:chrome yellow, F:pale yellow ground paling to warm white center, dark greyed red-purple band , veined shoulders and dart, B:mustard yellow. 27 | 15.00 |
4246 | HIGH NOTE | Tompkins, C. 1961/61 | TB | 42 | M-L | Self | RARE Dark pink self, B:red. 13 | 8.00 |
4178 | HIGH PROFILE | Schreiner, R. 2000/2000 | TB | 37 | LM | Bitone | Beautiful S:blue violet, F:plum purple, white veined violet at beard, lighter rim, purple spear, B:tangerine. 20 | 15.00 |
4286 | HIGH TOR | Fielding, R. 1950/52 | TB | 42 | L | Self | VERY RARE Blue-violet self. 1 | NFS |
79 | HIGHLAND CHIEF | Gibson, J. 1972/73 | TB | 36 | M | Plicata | S:buff, peppered cinnamon, F:light yellow with red brushings, white area around B, cinnamon center line, B:orange; ruffled. 25 | 9.00 |
1657 | HILLS OF LAFAYETTE | Boswell, C. 1983/84 | IB | 18 | EM | Bicolor | VERY RARE S:white, yellow midrib, F:bright medium yellow, white line radiating out from beard, B:orange. 3 | NFS |
892 | HILOW | Dunn, M. 1982/82 | TB | 36 | M | Self | S:dark red-brown, F:same, with electric blue-violet blaze, B:old gold. 22 | 10.00 |
426 | HINDENBURG | Maryott, W. 1982/83 | TB | 37 | M | Self | Heavily ruffled deep orange, B:catepillar orange; very popular. 3 | NFS |
2810 | HINDU WAND | Plough, G. 1957/58 | TB | 32 | EM-L | Self | RARE Golden tan, dark brown at hafts to below end of B, pale blue blaze, B:fuzzy orange. 20 | 8.00 |
2471 | HISSY-FIT | Innerst, S. 1987/89 | IB | 24 | M | Self | RARE Mid-brown, large dark brown-black spot on F., B:bronze; slight sweet fragrance. 25 | 8.00 |
2840 | HIT PARADE | Hall, D. 1945/45 | TB | 36 | M | Self | VERY RARE Flamingo pink self, B:tangerine; good substance. 18 | 8.00 |
2044 | HOLD THAT TIGER | Lauck, A. 1957/58 | TB | 40 | ML | Self | VERY RARE S:bright deep golden yellow, F:yellow, heavily overlaid with vivid rust-red striping, B:orange; novel form, tailored and round. 46j | 7.00 |
2340 | HOLY SMOKE | Smith, E. 1957/58 | TB | 36 | M | Blend | VERY RARE Smoky lavender-grey blend. Huge smoky blend of chartruse, grey, mauve, old gold. 6 | 10.00 |
1622 | HOMECOMING QUEEN | Sexton, N. 1978/78 | TB | 36 | M | Self | VERY RARE Copper-rose, B:carrot orange. 1 | NFS |
2718 | HONEY CHILE | Salbach, C. 1940/40 | TB | M | Self | Dark golden yellow w/ maroon wash and lines on F, hairline maroon edge, B:yellow. 10 | 7.00 | |
2303 | HONEY MOCHA | Luihn, W. 1979/80 | TB | 36 | M-L | Self | S:mocha brown, F:mocha with honey wash on shoulder which spills down F, B:bronze tipped mocha; laced and fluted. 2 | NFS |
1253 | HONKY TONK | Meek, D. 1984/84 | BB | 24 | E-M | Bitone | RARE S:red, F:deep coppery red, B:red; pbf. 15 | 9.00 |
2968 | HONKY TONK BLUES | Schreiners 1988/88 | TB | 37 | M | Self | Ruffled hyacinth blue, white gray streaking and on edge of falls, B:blue. Dykes Medal1995. 10 | 15.00 |
1910 | HONOR BRIGHT | DeForest, F. 1951/51 | TB | 38 | M | Plicata | RARE Chrome yellow and brown plicata. 19 | 7.00 |
4287 | HOPE'S DIAMOND | Hope, I. 1961/61 | TB | 36 | E-L | Self | VERY RARE Medium blue self; large bloom, dash of onco blood. 5 | NFS |
2861 | HORATIO | Hager, B. 1991/91 | TB | 35 | ML | Self | VERY RARE S:royal violet purple, F: violet purple fading to blue silver w/ violet purple edge, B:tangerine, blue tip. 14 | 12.00 |
339 | HORNED AMETHYST | Austin, L. 1959/60 | TB | 36 | M | Self | VERY RARE Amethyst with novel form, falls somewhat rolled in along the sides, B:yellow,1 to 1-1/2" long white horns. 26 | 10.00 |
1737 | HORNED DRAGONFLY | Austin, L. 1964/65 | TB | 36 | M | Bitone | S:orchid, F:orchid, washed rose, dark rose-orchid stipling, B:orchid horns. 5 | NFS |
1059 | HORNED FLAMINGO | Austin, L. 1963/63 | TB | 40 | VE | Bitone | VERY RARE S:arbutus pink; F:true salmon pink; B:tangerine, ends in salmon-bearded horn. 20 | 7.00 |
177 | HORNED FLARE | Austin, L. 1963/63 | TB | 32 | M-L | Bitone | S:light amber-pink, F:dark amber-pink, B:orange, horned; pbf. 19 | 10.00 |
352 | HORNED LACE | Austin, L. 1959/60 | TB | 38 | M | Bicolor | S:yellow, F:white with faint yellow rim, B:orange, horned; laced. 16 | 8.00 |
351 | HORNED MYSTERY | Austin, L. 1960/61 | TB | 42 | L | Bitone | VERY RARE S:pink, flushed yellow, F:crimson, B:white, snowcap effect; white horns. 9 | 12.00 |
358 | HORNED PAPA | Austin, L. 1960/61 | TB | 37 | L | Self | RARE S:light yellow, F:yellow, flushed and splashed crimson; 1" horns. 15 | 8.00 |
372 | HORNED ROSYRED | Austin, L. 1958/58 | TB | 40 | M | Bitone | VERY RARE S:pink, flushed golden-bronze, F:crimson, B:yellow, ending in prominent horn 1/2-1" long. 40 | 8.00 |
1738 | HORNED ROYALTY | Austin, L. 1958/58 | TB | 40 | EM | Bitone | VERY RARE S:amethyst, F:deep purple with 3/4" horns at end of yellow B 8. | NFS |
353 | HORNED RUBYFALLS | Austin, L. 1958/58 | TB | 38 | EM | Bicolor | VERY RARE S:yellow blushed red, F:ruby red, B:orange-yellow, horned. 5 | NFS |
1655 | HORNED SKYLARK | Austin, L. 1957/57 | TB | 52 | M-L | Bicolor | RARE S:clear light yellow, F:cream, edged light yellow, B:bright yellow w/ prominent bearded horn. 24 | 8.00 |
1271 | HORNED SUNSHINE | Noyd, L. 1967/68 | TB | 36 | M-L | Bitone | RARE S:light yellow, F:deeper yellow, B:yellow, long horned. 25 | 8.00 |
1741 | HORNED TRACERY | Austin, L. 1961/62 | TB | 34 | E-M | Plicata | VERY RARE White with orchid-pink stitching, B:horned. 16 | 10.00 |
1114 | HORNY LORRI | Hager, B. 1973/78 | TB | 34 | ML | Bitone | VERY RARE S:orchid blended buff, F:full rosy orchid, B:yellow, terminates in feathered horns, pbf. 0 | SOLD OUT |
2220 | HOT SPICE | Aitken, T. 1989/89 | IB | 25 | M | Plicata | RARE S:chocolate brown, F:bright yellow, stitched dark chocolate brown on edge, white flash at end of ocher gold beard; very fragrant. 5 | 10.00 |
4141 | HOTSIENNA | Luihn, W. 1961/61 | TB/AB | 28 | M-L | Self | VERY RARE S:ochre splashed sienna, F:ochre heavily overlaid burnt sienna, B:bronze; flaring. 3 | NFS |
4039 | HOUSE ARREST | Keppel, K. 2013/14 |
TB | 38 | M | Halo | S:reddish brown, F:lavender, silvering as ages, reddish brown band, B:yellow, lavender white tip. 26 | 15.00 |
848 | HOWDY DO | Byers, M. 1985/86 | TB | 35 | E-L | Self | VERY RARE Ruffled silver-white with faint yellow glow at hafts, B:blue-white, tipped cadmium-orange, 1" blue horns. 24 | 9.00 |
1149 | HULA DANCER | Shoop, G. 1985/85 | TB | 36 | M | Bicolor | S:purple-brown, F:orange, B:tangerine; ruffled. 14 | 10.00 |
1911 | HUMMING BIRD | Knowlton, H. 1950/52 | TB | 40 | M | Bicolor | RARE S:light buff yellow, F:white, pale buff yellow border, B:yellow orange; ruffled. 5 | 7.00 |
2045 | HUMORESQUE | Keppel, K. 1961/62 | TB | 35 | M | Self | VERY RARE Pale gentian-blue to white ground, irregularily washed, flecked, striped medium to dark lobelia blue, no blooms alike, B:blue tipped yellow. 18 | 10.00 |